There are 3 different types of adoptions. Open, (where both the birth parents and adoptive parents speak often and the birth parent can visit the child during their life). Semi-open, (where there is some communication before the birth and then you send letters and pictures periodically through the adoption agency). Closed, (where there is no contact on either side before or after the adoption). Before you are even matched with a birth mother, both sides have already decided on what type of adoption they are comfortable with. Jon and I chose a semi-open adoption, so we knew that at some point we would be talking with the birth mother before the birth takes place.
Today our agency called us and said that the birth mother would like to talk to us. I kept asking myself, what do I even say to the person that is going to give your child life!?! Jon and I anxiously made the call and what an experience it was. After talking with her for a short time, I am in awe as to how courageous this woman is. She spoke of wanting to provide a better life for her child and after seeing our profile book she felt we were the right choice for her baby. I can not even begin to imagine what it must feel like to give up a child, and trust a couple to take care of that child whom you have never met before.
We had prayed so much to be led to the child that was to be in our family, and all the while she was praying to find the right parents to raise her unborn child. It was at that moment that it hit me that this women and I will be bonded forever. I am beginning to deeply realize the amazing responsibility a mother has in a child’s life. She was the mother who gave life to her child while I will be the mother who will help him grow and become the person he is to be in this life. Talking with her was a truly humbling experience.