Thursday, November 4, 2010

How a trial turned into a blessing!

Once we had decided to turn things over to the Lord in regards to the adoption... our lives pretty much blew up.  I was in a major car accident right before Christmas of 2009. It left me unable to use my left arm. I was not able to pick up our new puppy, let alone a baby! I knew baby plans would have to be on hold after the accident. After a series of 5 different doctors with 5 different opinions on what was wrong, I found a doctor who said the only way to know what was wrong was to have surgery. It was the last thing I wanted to do because the recovery time was over six months. My doctor said that I needed to take care of it now, because there would be no way I would be able to care for a child if my arm was in this condition.

We knew it would be a painful surgery and a lot of money, but after much prayer I decided to go through with it. Then about 3 weeks after surgery, the auto insurance company of the man who hit me called. They said that they would like to offer me a settlement once my physical therapy is over. It was at that moment that I knew the Lord was providing a way to get the special little child He wanted in our family. It may not have been the way I expected, but I saw the Lord's hand in our lives. It was after that we started looking in adoption agencies.