Saturday, November 20, 2010

Learning from experience

Today we went and visited in the hospital one of our neighbors. She just had a brand new baby girl! This neighbor is one of the people we have already shared with that we are adopting. Ironically her husband's older brother was adopted and is also African-American. My neighbor had mentioned previously that I should talk to her husband's mother about her adoption experience. When we arrived at the hospital his mother happened to be there. I thought this might be a great opportunity to sit down with her and listen to her experience.

She told me of the struggles and the blessings that come with adoption. She said that even though you physically may not go through labor... emotionally you will. She said that so many people think that adoption is easy, but people that have never been through this process have no idea the emotional roller coaster you go through. She also said that there is also something amazing that goes on when you adopt. She said that even though you are not pregnant, you still gain a mothers intuition like never before. In her experience she knew that her son belonged in her family and could sense that someone was pregnant with her child before he was even born. She knew that God intended this child to be in her family even if he was delivered to her in a different way.

As soon as she said that I knew exactly what she was talking about because I have had the exact same feelings! It is just like she said, I can't explain it, but I know someone is pregnant with my child. The child that God intended for our family. It was so amazing to talk to my neighbors mother-in-law today. She is the first one I have spoken with since this process began that has truly related to what I was going through. I hope to talk with her again.