Thursday, November 4, 2010

The journey began

After Jon and I got married, we decided to just enjoy being married for awhile. The plan was to wait at least a year to have children and then after we had a couple of our own, then we would adopt. I knew that the adoption process can be just that... a very long process. So it just made sense that we would wait a few years before we began. Then one day while I was getting ready to go meet Jon for dinner, I was watching an episode of Oprah about adoption.  Oprah had a few families on her show that talked about the adoption process and one of them had a little African-American little boy. The boy looked so similar to the boy I saw on the subway in New York so many years before.

As soon as I saw that little boys smile... it was like a ton of bricks fell on my chest. I started crying and could not stop crying. It was a feeling I could not explain. I KNEW we were supposed to adopt sooner then later. All I can say is that it was a very spiritual experience for me. I knew the Lord had a special spirit that was to be in our family! I then met up with Jon and told him of my experience. We had only been married for two months at that time. He told me that if I felt so strongly about it now, then we will look into it. So we did, and found out just how much the adoption process costs. It ranges from $15,000- $40,000! We had no idea what we were going to do. So that is when we decided to place this in the Lord's hands. We knew that if there was a child that was supposed to be in our family then He would provide a way.