Monday, December 27, 2010

We got a match!

Our adoption agency called us and told us that they found a match for us. It is a little African American baby boy that is due April 1st. What an emotional roller coaster! They call you and tell a little about the birth mothers circumstances... but it is very little. We know just enough to make a decision. One thing we did not expect was the amount of time they give you to accept the match. We had only 48 hours to make one of the biggest decisions of our lives. Your head just spins with questions, excitement, and also a lot of anxiety.

We had been approached about some other possible matches, but as our adoption agency told us about this match an overwhelming feeling just encompassed me. I quickly called my mom to discuss things with her and as I was telling her the details, I just started crying. I knew that this child was meant to be MY child.The only way I can explain the feeling would be something like a mothers intuition.  My mother then said, "Congratulations you are 5 months pregnant!" What a special day!